16 Tweets Guaranteed To Make You Laugh Every Time

37 Tweets Guaranteed To Make You Laugh Every Time

1. Aquarium by @murrman5

2. Any Last Words by @Brampersandon_

3. Paris Review by @TriciaLockwood

4. Four Eels by @JNalv

5. Lee Harvey Oswald by @meganamram

6. Owls by @joejwest

7. Take Your Husband’s Name by @danimgrace

8. Just Wave by @Reverend_Scott

9. No More Tears by @ScottLinnen

10. Dog Job Interview by @SirEviscerate

11. BOYFRIEND by @amfmpm

12. Of Course I Can Paint Your Ceilings by@davedittell

13. The Catcher in the Rye by @david8hughes

14. Nervous Around the Person You Like? by@MindyFurano

Nervous around the person you like? Sue them. They'll be forced to see you in court, well dressed & in control. Let the law be your wingman.
— Mindy Furano (@MindyFurano)

15. Shipwrecked Diary by @murrman5

16. Magician by @jonnysun