1. At the beginning of the night, there will be a million photos taken.
2. And your tongues will come out in full force.
3. Sometimes as a simple sign of affection.
4. But inevitably someone won’t like how they look in the photos.
5. At which point one of your squad will be ready with lovely, genuine compliments.
Universal Pictures
6. And you’ll go back and forth for a bit, having a compliment battle.
7. Every time you go to the toilet you’ll share a cubicle and chat to each other while you pee.
8. And it’s in the bathroom where you’ll make some more girlfriends for your squad.
9. Because the ladies’ is probably the friendliest place ever.
10. But at some point, the queue will get ridiculous.
11. So you’ll consider using the men’s instead, and feel pretty bad-ass about it.
12. Probably sooner than you’d hoped, you’ll give up on your shoes.
13. And one by one, your girls will follow suit.
14. Because by now you’re all walking like you’ve got something lodged up your asses anyway.
15. When your song comes on you all get majorly over excited.
16. But it always happens when you get split up.
17. But at just the right moment you’ll be magically reunited.
18. And you will all get down and dirty with each other on the dancefloor.